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Cover for 2nd Chance Corporation
2nd Chance Corporation

2nd Chance Corporation

A Christian organization for troubled youth and adults to complete their community service hours.

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…and down came the old structure on the back of the barn! ... See MoreSee Less

…and down came the old structure on the back of the barn!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Dumpster, equipment and the teees came down. ... See MoreSee Less

Dumpster, equipment and the teees came down.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Before pictures of the back of the barn and trees. ... See MoreSee Less

Before pictures of the back of the barn and trees.Image attachmentImage attachment

Backsplash grout and caulk completed.
It looks beautiful. Thank you Steve Willett for your excellent workmanship!!
Another blessing for 2nd Chance!
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Backsplash grout and caulk completed.
It looks beautiful. Thank you Steve Willett for your excellent workmanship!!
Another blessing for 2nd Chance!Image attachment

The backsplash tile work is done!
It looks beautiful and workmanship is excellent!
Another piece marked off the check list for completion.
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The backsplash tile work is done!
It looks beautiful and workmanship is excellent!
Another piece marked off the check list for completion.Image attachmentImage attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Awesome. Looks do great.

2nd Chance would like to thank all who supported us with the Christmas wreath
fundraiser. Your generous support will allow to continue moving forward in our renovation of Grace House.
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Photos from 2nd Chance Corporation's post ... See MoreSee Less

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2nd Chance is offering 24” Fraser Fir Wreaths and Cross Wreaths for sale.
We are taking orders until November 19 and will have them available to pick up on November 29th. They are a beautiful Christmas addition for you home or business and make awesome gifts.
Contact one of our board members to place your order or leave a message here.
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2nd Chance is offering 24” Fraser Fir Wreaths and Cross Wreaths for sale. 
We are taking orders until November 19 and will have them available to pick up on November 29th. They are a beautiful Christmas addition for you home or business and make awesome gifts.
Contact one of our board members to place your order or leave a message here.Image attachment

2nd Chance is offering 24” Fraser Fir Wreaths and Cross Wreaths for sale.
We are taking orders until November 19 and will have them available to pick up on November 29th. They are a beautiful Christmas addition for you home or business and make awesome gifts.
Contact one of our board members to place your order or leave a message here.
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2nd Chance is offering 24” Fraser Fir Wreaths and Cross Wreaths for sale. 
We are taking orders until November 19 and will have them available to pick up on November 29th. They are a beautiful Christmas addition for you home or business and make awesome gifts.
Contact one of our board members to place your order or leave a message here.Image attachment

2nd Chance is offering 24” Fraser Fir Wreaths and Cross Wreaths for sale.
We are taking orders until November 19 and will have them available to pick up on November 29th. They are a beautiful Christmas addition for you home or business and make awesome gifts.
Contact one of our board members to place your order.
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2nd Chance is offering 24” Fraser Fir Wreaths and Cross Wreaths for sale. 
We are taking orders until November 19 and will have them available to pick up on November 29th. They are a beautiful Christmas addition for you home or business and make awesome gifts.
Contact one of our board members to place your order.Image attachment

The refrigerator and pantry are in their places.
Next is countertop in the kitchen.
Each step is a step to completion!!
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The refrigerator and pantry are in their places.
Next is countertop in the kitchen.
Each step is a step to completion!!

Deck on north side is in progress.
Railings next and finish the stairs, then another project complete!
Blessed in many ways!
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Deck on north side is in progress.
Railings next and finish the stairs, then another project complete!
Blessed in many ways!Image attachmentImage attachment

Lower cabinets are all set in place.
Countertop is purchased and set in place
to see how it will look installed.
One step at a time !
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Lower cabinets are all set in place.
Countertop is purchased and set in place  
to see  how it will look installed.
One step at a time !Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

The lower cabinets on the west wall of the kitchen are in.
New deck construction on the north side
Is underway.
More steps to check off the list of projects to be completed.
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The lower cabinets on the west wall of the kitchen are in.
New deck construction on the north side 
Is underway.
More steps to check off the list of projects to be completed.Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook


Lower cabinets are ready to be placed.
The “pantry production” was the final cabinet to be put together.
2nd Chance is blessed by these board members who made it all happen!
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Lower cabinets are ready to be placed.
The “pantry production” was the final cabinet to be put together.
2nd Chance is blessed by these board members who made it all happen!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

The upper cabinets went up today in the kitchen. They look awesome!!
One more step completed.
Thank you to our board members who made that happen today.
2nd Chance is blessed again!!
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The upper cabinets went up today in the kitchen. They look awesome!!
One more step completed.
Thank you to our board members who made that happen today.
2nd Chance is blessed again!!Image attachmentImage attachment

The trim and batten boards are up in the kitchen. One more step to completion of the kitchen.
Thank you to the board members who so generously donate their time!
2nd Chance Grace House is blessed.
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The trim and batten boards are up in the kitchen.   One more step  to completion of the kitchen.
Thank you to the board members who so generously donate their time!
2nd Chance Grace House is blessed.Image attachment

More of the outside is painted.
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More of the outside is painted.

1 CommentComment on Facebook

You all are doing a wonderful work.

Work on the kitchen is moving right along.
Electricity to the lighting, more wall covering up and trim is started.
Blessed to have board members who help to make it all happen!
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Work on the kitchen is moving right along.
Electricity to the lighting, more wall covering up and trim is started.
Blessed to have board members who help to make it all happen!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

The last of the cabinets are put together and the brick wall covering is going up.
Progress, one step at a time. Blessed to have dedicated board members who are willing to donate their time and effort to complete the kitchen!
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The last of the cabinets are put together and the brick wall covering is going up.
Progress, one step at a time. Blessed to have dedicated board members who are willing to donate their time and effort to complete the kitchen!Image attachment

The last of the cabinets are put together and brick wall covering is going up in the kitchen. Making headway on completing
the kitchen. The Board members have been a blessing to 2nd Chance with all of their dedicated time and effort!
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The last of the cabinets are put together and brick wall covering is going up in the kitchen. Making headway on completing
the kitchen. The Board members have been a blessing to 2nd Chance with all of their dedicated time and effort!Image attachment

Photos from 2nd Chance Corporation's post ... See MoreSee Less

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Lighting is up in the kitchen and many of the cabinets are put together and ready to be placed.
Continue to watch the progress as the board members at 2nd Chance work hard to complete the kitchen!
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Lighting is up in the kitchen and many of the cabinets are put together and ready to be placed. 
Continue to watch the progress as the board members at 2nd Chance work hard to complete the kitchen!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Needs lots of caulking!

Today is burrito pick up day at
2nd Chance Grace House
from 10:00am to 12:00 noon.
The address is 1660 100th Ave,
Lakeview, MI.
Thank you for all your support of 2nd Chance!
Enjoy your Trini’s burritos!!
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Burrito pickup is this Saturday, May 18 from 10:00am to 12:00 noon for those who placed orders.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!
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2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos.
You are able to order now until May 10th.

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!
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2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos. 
You are able to order now until May 10th. 

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!


2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos.
You are able to order now until May 10th.

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!
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2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos. 
You are able to order now until May 10th. 

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!Image attachment

The board and batten ceiling is going up in the kitchen at Grace House.
One step at a time, but progress in each step!
Blessed to have a dedicated work crew to make this happen!
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The board and batten ceiling is going up in the kitchen at Grace House.
One step at a time, but progress in each step!
Blessed to have a dedicated work crew to make this happen!Image attachmentImage attachment

2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos.
You are able to order now until May 10th.

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!
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2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos. 
You are able to order now until May 10th. 

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!Image attachment

2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos.
You are able to order now until May 3rd.

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!
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2nd Chance is taking orders for Trini’s burritos. 
You are able to order now until May 3rd. 

Those, who have supported this fundraiser opportunity previously, know how delicious these burritos are.
If you have not had Trini’s burritos, you will want to place your order to experience these delicious burritos.
Please, contact anyone of our board members to place an order.
Thank you for your continued support of 2nd Chance!Image attachment

The yard is seeded and fertilized, waiting for the rain.
Blessed to have dedicated board members who are always willing to donate their time to complete needed projects!
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The yard is seeded and fertilized, waiting for the rain.
Blessed to have dedicated board members who are always willing to donate their time to complete needed projects!Image attachmentImage attachment

2024 is going to be an exciting year for 2nd Chance. We are working on the kitchen, insulation is in, wall covering is going up, cabinets, ceiling material, and flooring have been purchased.
Plans are being made for the porch and deck.
Look forward to more news coming soon!
Thank you to all who have generously supported 2nd Chance.
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2nd Chance is excited for all the new and exciting projects planned for 2024.
We are blessed with a very energetic board who see the vision for the project and willing to dedicate much time and energy to complete each part of it.
Thank you for all those who have supported 2nd Chance physically and financially. We are continually seeking support. If you are interested in supporting 2nd Chance, please let us know. Thank you!
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The septic system is done.
Another project completed!
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The septic system is done.
Another project completed!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Being blessed , for sure.

More progress on the septic system. ... See MoreSee Less

More progress on the septic system.Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Insulation went in today in the kitchen.
One step at a time. Blessed for sure.
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Insulation went in today in the kitchen.
One step at a time. Blessed for sure.Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

The septic tanks are in. Next is the drain field and then finish the berm!
Another project in the works at Grace House!
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The septic tanks are in. Next is the drain field and then finish the berm! 
Another project in the works at Grace House!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Thank you to all who supported the Wreath fundraiser for 2nd Chance.
They are beautiful and last for a very long time. 2nd Chance is blessed by the continued support of those who see the vision for 2nd Chance and support it in every way.
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1 CommentComment on Facebook

They are definitely gorgeous! Just a suggestion…is it possible to offer additional sizes next year? I could definitely use larger ones, as they didn’t quite fit over my lights on the side of my garage. Had to do some improvising. 😀

Today is Wreath and Cross Wreath pick up day for those who ordered them at Grace house from 10:00am - noon.
Thank you for your support of 2nd Chance!
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Thank you to all who attended the Hunters Pancake Breakfast.
2nd Chance truly appreciates the support received to continue working on the vision for Grace house.
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2nd Chance is having a
Hunter’s Pancake Breakfast
on Nov 18th from 8-11 am.
Brockway Church has graciously allowed us to use their facilities for the breakfast.
Come join us for some great food and support 2nd Chance.
Donations will be accepted.
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2nd Chance  is having a 
Hunter’s Pancake Breakfast 
on Nov 18th from 8-11 am.
Brockway Church has graciously allowed us to use their facilities for the breakfast. 
Come join us for some great food and support 2nd Chance.
Donations will be accepted.

The work on the septic system has begun. The Lord has provided an absolutely gorgeous day. ... See MoreSee Less

The work on the septic system has begun. The Lord has provided an absolutely gorgeous day.Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

The south side of Grace House is primed now and ready for paint.
Thank you Dan and Sean for your hard work on the beautiful day.
2nd Chance is blessed.
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The south side of Grace House is primed now and ready for paint.  
Thank you Dan and Sean for your hard work on the beautiful day. 
2nd Chance is blessed.Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Don’t miss out on the delicious breakfast and an opportunity to support 2nd Chance.2nd Chance is having a
Hunter’s Pancake Breakfast
on Nov 18th from 8-11 am.
Brockway Church has graciously allowed us to use their facilities for the breakfast.
Come join us for some great food and support 2nd Chance.
Donations will be accepted.
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Don’t miss out on the delicious breakfast and an opportunity to support 2nd Chance.