Our Purpose:
2nd Chance provides an opportunity and location for teens and adults to satisfy their court mandated community service hours. Grace House is located in a rural setting (in the middle of Amish County).
2nd Chance has worked with youth and adults in Kent County since 2015 through the community service program. The youth and adults have committed lesser severe crimes, mostly drug and alcohol charges. We are not qualified to handle those that have committed severe crimes.
The community service workers have been mandated by the courts to perform a court determined amount of hours of community service to satisfy their obligation. They will be able to satisfy their obligation at this property in many ways, such as; grounds maintenance, preparing the inside of the house for the guests, cutting, splitting, and stacking wood for the wood boiler (which will be the heat source for the house), and many other tasks required at the property.
Because of the location of the property, 2nd Chance will be able to work with the community service workers from Northern Kent County, Mecosta and Montcalm counties.
The facility, as planned, will serve dual purposes, to supply a Christian facility for groups to use and will be a great location for the community service workers to complete their court mandated obligation.